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From The Principal's Desk

The only thing that Over comes hard luck Is hard work

Parents are the first teachers and teachers are the second Parents. The school and the home have a common goal - a commitment towards the education of a child. In a broad way a good school should aim at all round development of its students and to provide a healthy environment to focus on the holistic growth of the child. For this purpose the school mission and vision should be to create next generation citizens who are confident, responsible, sincere, modern and practical in their approach and yet grounded in traditional roots. Students should have the flexibility and ability to evolve with the changing trends. The students are being taught the same principles and moral values which is the need of present generation.

Education in today's time is no longer confined to school premises but its achievement would largely depend upon our efforts to harmonize the system with international standard and academic protocols.

Education is a tool of social change and the teacher drives the whole process. The purpose of good education is to build sound human character which is eventually obtained by formal and informal teaching.